This is a Rs. 15000 Million company engaged in power and telecom EPC. We have captive Tower manufacturing and rolling mill facility. Our target is to take the company to a 1 Billion USD by 2018. Vision, strategy and implementation are the areas in focus. The company focuses mainly on power and Telecom sectors.
Power and Telecom are two major growth areas in India today. The company engages in executing end to end projects.
The material content of the projects is more than 75% of the contract. The profitability is therefore determined by the efficiency of the SCM to get the optimum material at the right time and price. The co-ordination of the various project sites, the various inventory points, the vendors and the site execution stages is critical to regulate and control the inventory.
A detailed study followed by integrating the various inventory points and vendors with the various site managers brought in a complete control on the inventory and reduced the wastage from 8% to 0.5%. The inventory was controlled to 30 days from over an average of 180 days. The site progress was being monitored by all the stake holders and hence pilferage was drastically cut.
Supply Chain Management – BS Limited
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